Description of the Land Cover Classes
1. WATER: All waterbodies, both deep/clear and shallow/sedimented.
2. COASTAL MUDFLATS: Unvegetated coastal areas of the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowlands, partly submerged at high tide.
3. INTERTIDAL MARSH: Coastal marshes of the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowland lying between the coastal mudflats and the supertidal zone.
4. SUPERTIDAL MARSH: Coastal marshes of the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowland lying inland of the Coastal Mudflat and Intertidal Marsh classes and subject to only exceptionally high tides.
5. FRESHWATER COASTAL MARSH/ INLAND MARSH: Coastal marshes of the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowland lying beyond the area of saltwater influence; marshes occurring along lakeshores; Southern Ontario inland marshes characterized by a range of moisture conditions: seasonal marshes, flooded in spring but often dry by fall, that may appear flooded more deeply than other types of inland marsh; cattail marshes that appear generally drier than the flooded seasonal marshes; and grassy meadow marshes which appear generally drier than either the seasonal marshes or cattail marshes.
6. DECIDUOUS SWAMP: Hardwood swamps of Southern Ontario occurring along rivers and in old lake beds and other low-lying areas; includes thicket swamps in Northern Ontario.
7. CONIFER SWAMP: Swamps with dense conifer tree or shrub cover occurring mainly in Southern Ontario.
8. OPEN FEN: Non-treed grassy fens; fens with open pools occurring most extensively in the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowlands; bogs of the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowland that have a high proportion of open water surface (termed "string bogs").
9. TREED FEN: Fens with dense shrub cover and tamarack tree cover occurring generally in the province but most extensively in the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowlands.
10. OPEN BOG: Non-treed bog that may have a partial cover of stunted trees occurring generally in the province but most extensively in the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowlands, where it also includes lichen-rich peat plateau.
11. TREED BOG: Bog with a low to high density of tree cover. There is expected to be some degree of overlap between densely treed bog and sparse conifer forest in more northerly parts of the province and especially in the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowlands.
12. TUNDRA HEATH: Areas of dense ericaceous vegetation occurring on better-drained areas only in the Hudson Bay coastal zone.
13. DENSE DECIDUOUS FOREST: Largely continuous forest canopy composed at least 80 percent of deciduous species; includes deciduous shrub cover on old burns and alder thicket swamps in the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowlands.
14. DENSE CONIFEROUS FOREST: Largely continuous forest canopy composed at least 80 percent of coniferous species; includes dense conifer swamp in the Hudson Bay-James Bay Lowlands.
15. CONIFEROUS PLANTATION: Mature conifer plantations, mostly pine, occurring in evenly spaced rows, mainly in Southern Ontario. This class does not include artificially regenerated cutovers or burns in Northern Ontario.
16. MIXED FOREST, MAINLY DECIDUOUS: Largely continuous forest canopy composed of coniferous and deciduous species, with deciduous species dominant (i.e., comprising more than 50 percent of the canopy).
17. MIXED FOREST, MAINLY CONIFEROUS: Largely continuous forest canopy composed of coniferous and deciduous species, with coniferous species dominant (i.e., comprising more than 50 percent of the canopy).
18. SPARSE CONIFEROUS FOREST: Patchy or sparse forest canopy (i.e. approximately 30 to 40 percent canopy closure) composed approximately 80 percent of coniferous species.
19. SPARSE DECIDUOUS FOREST: Patchy or sparse forest canopy (i.e., approximately 30 to 40 percent canopy closure) composed approximately 80 percent of deciduous species.
20. RECENT CUTOVERS: Forest clear-cuts estimated at less than 10 years of age.
21. RECENT BURNS: Forest burns estimated at less than 10 years of age.
22. OLD CUTS AND BURNS: Forest clear-cuts and burns estimated at more than 10 years of age.
23. MINE TAILINGS, QUARRIES, AND BEDROCK OUTCROPS: Clearings for mining activity scattered in all parts of the province; aggregate quarries occurring mainly in Southern Ontario; bedrock outcrops.
24. SETTLEMENT AND DEVELOPED LAND: Clearings for human settlement and economic activity; major transportation routes.
25. PASTURE AND ABANDONED FIELDS: Open grassland with sparse shrubs mapped in agricultural areas of Southern Ontario; includes orchard lands.
26. CROPLAND: Row crops mapped in Southern Ontario; hay or open soil in areas of agricultural land use.
27. ALVAR: Homogeneous areas of dry grassland growing on thin soils over a limestone substrate, mapped only where they occur in clusters in the central and eastern portions of Southern Ontario.
28. UNCLASSIFIED: Small local areas where no classification data could be generated because clouds and their shadows obscured the land surface on the satellite image data.